Navigation Map Improvements

Release Version(s)Controller (4.12)Launch DateApril 6th, 2021

Product description

With the release of controller version 4.12 we've made improvements to the map by overhauling the UI and adding orientation and centering functionality that's adjustable by the user. 

Problems solved

Before this release users were only able to view the map in a north-up orientation that's centered around the ROV. We found that some users are experienced with various types of orientations and centering and would like to view the map in their preferred way. Therefore we gave our map added flexibility by implementing controller-up and ROV-up orientations, along with controller-focused, ROV-focused or both-focused centering.

Additionally we've freshened up the map icons and removed the map's legend now that markers have an embedded icons stating whether its marking a recording, snapshot, or POI. 

Product Screenshots/Videos

2. ROV centering

3. Both centering

4. North-up orientation

5. Controller-up orientation

6. ROV-up orientation

7. Mini map view

8. Map settings can be changed through the menu (Setting > Maps) or through the quick menu (while in full-screen map view, FN+ENTER).