Magnetic Declination

Release Version(s)Controller (5.5)Launch DateNovember 19th, 2021

Product description

A Magnetic Declination setting has been added to the ROV Settings > Compass Heading page that can be configured by the user two different ways. Users can either enter the magnetic declination value through keypad or point their ROV in the direction of True North and press a button. This Magnetic Declination is the angular difference between true and magnetic poles. 

Problems solved

Depending on the type of work you hope to accomplish with your ROV, some customers need to use headings relative to True North instead of Magnetic North. For example, if you're navigating by map you'll want to use a fixed heading mode (true north) instead of one that variates over time (magnetic north) as the direction you travel could end up being much farther from where you intended to go. Previously we had no way to change this heading mode on our ROVs however we've now added the ability to toggle on True North heading mode once you've determined your ROV's magnetic declination.

Feature Walkthrough

1. Navigate to the ROV settings page and select Compass Heading

2. This page will display your current magnetic heading and allows you to enter your magnetic declination manually or automatically

3. If you select the automatic option, point your ROV in the direction of True North and press Confirm on the popup

3 (Cont.) If you select the manual option, enter your magnetic declination value using the controller's keypad

4. Your True North heading will now be updated on the right. Ensure this is correct then select True in the Heading Mode option

5. Your compass will now use True North