Location page

Release Version(s)Controller 6.3Launch DateApril 26th, 2022

Feature Walkthrough

1. Open the Location page in the Settings menu.

1 Cont. This page allows you to configure any available positioning devices for either your location (as the operator) or your ROV. You can also view your location status on the right hand side. 

2. To set a topside device, select an option from the dropdown. In this example we'll use an External GPS

3. Now select "Configure Device"

4. In the Serial Port dropdown, select the GPS device you have plugged in via USB

5. In the Baud Rate dropdown, select the appropriate baud rate for your device (4800 is common for GPS devices)

6. Once the serial port and baud rate are configured correctly you will start seeing data flow in

7. Now let's select a device for the ROV location. We could select the 'External GPS' option again if we wanted to import data from another source, however for our case lets select the Seatrac Beacon

8. The beacon will start working right away and we'll be given some location status indicators that are specific to the Seatrac Beacon. 

Since we selected the Seatrac there will also be a few settings added that are specific to the Seatrac beacon. The first one being the Beacon ID. The default for the beacon is 2.

Water salinity (PPT) can be altered either between Fresh water, Salt water or a Custom value for brackish water.

The Data Filtering will allow you to filter out positioning messages that are poor in quality, the downside being this will likely lower the amount of messages being used (less frequent position updates). This should be customized to your situation.

Let's select Beacon Setup to calibrate it properly

9. Follow the on-screen instructions to calibrate the beacon

10. Press save buffer once its at 100%

11. Ensure the beacon is placed in the water properly

12. The quality of your beacon pings should improve now that it is calibrated.

Note: If the Calibration Quality status is below 90% please re-do the calibration process.

13. Coordinate format can also be changed to a format of your preference.

14. If you're running into issues with your Topside or ROV status, navigate to the Status Glossary page to help diagnose the issue.