Battery Behaviour

Hand Controller

Battery Icon

Battery Critical

Battery Depleted

Backwards Compatibility

ROV Behaviour

Voltage Thresholds

Compensated voltages.


The G3 thresholds have been updated, but the timing of the critical and empty warnings should be the same as before.  Based on a production run test, the ‘critical’ threshold corresponds to 2 minutes before the ‘empty’ warning, and the ‘empty’ threshold corresponds to 2 minutes before the BMS kicks in. 


The Rev and Pivot thresholds were determined during production run tests.  The ‘empty’ threshold corresponds to 1 minute before the battery BMS kicks in, and the ‘critical’ threshold corresponds to 5 minutes before the ‘empty’ threshold.

We are aiming for the ‘critical’ threshold to correspond to roughly 5-10 minutes of remaining use.  This will of course vary a lot, due to: