Adjustable Camera Bitrates

Release Version(s)Controller (5.0)Launch DateMay 28th, 2021

Product description

ROV camera bitrates are now adjustable through the camera settings page on the controller. Users can select from a list of bitrate options or set custom ones for their camera's primary (recorded video) and secondary (display) streams.

Problems solved

Due to our tethers having a limited bandwidth, congestion can sometimes be caused by the combination of devices all sending data to the hand controller resulting in glitchy video/sonar feeds. This is mainly due to our camera's high default bitrate taking up too much bandwidth, therefore we usually decrease the bitrate during production to accommodate this. However, sometimes the glitching is still apparent and the customer needs to send the unit back for bitrate adjustments.

To make this bitrate adjustment more accessible for both customers and production/service, camera bitrates can now be adjusted through the controller and take effect immediately. Now users won't be required to send their units back to make these slight adjustments also they'll be able to increase or decrease the quality of their video if desired. 

Product Screenshots/Videos

2. They will have the option of: Primary stream (recorded video), Secondary stream (lcd display), and Screen Recording. This selection will affect all cameras that are connected.

3. If the stream is changed, the resolution and bitrate of each camera will change.

4. If a user selects one of the cameras, they will prompted with this screen. Here they can see what each stream's resolution and bitrate are relative to that camera. 

5. Bitrates can be chosen through the dropdown or a custom value.

6. If custom is selected, the user can input a value as long as it falls within the specified range.

7. Once a value is specified the camera will take in the new value and adjust.